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Load Data from Cisco Meraki to Microsoft SQL Server in Python

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Loading data from Cisco Meraki to Microsoft SQL Server involves leveraging the cloud-managed IT solution provided by Cisco Meraki for efficient network management. Cisco Meraki offers a comprehensive suite of tools for wireless, switching, security, and mobile device management, all accessible through an intuitive dashboard. This allows organizations to monitor and control their entire network from a single interface, enhancing operational efficiency and security. By using the open-source Python library dlt, users can seamlessly connect Cisco Meraki with Microsoft SQL Server, a relational database management system (RDBMS). This integration enables the transfer of valuable network data into Microsoft SQL Server, facilitating real-time monitoring, remote troubleshooting, and automated updates. For more information, visit Cisco Meraki.

dlt Key Features

  • Pipeline Metadata: dlt pipelines leverage metadata to provide governance capabilities, enabling incremental transformations and data lineage. Read more
  • Schema Enforcement and Curation: dlt empowers users to enforce and curate schemas, ensuring data consistency and quality. Read more
  • Schema Evolution: dlt alerts users to schema changes, allowing them to review and validate modifications. Read more
  • Scaling and Finetuning: dlt offers several mechanisms and configuration options to scale up and finetune pipelines. Read more
  • Advanced Topics and Community Support: dlt is a constantly growing library with many features and an active community. Join our Slack

Getting started with your pipeline locally

OpenAPI Source Generator dlt-init-openapi

This walkthrough makes use of the dlt-init-openapi generator cli tool. You can read more about it here. The code generated by this tool uses the dlt rest_api verified source, docs for this are here.

0. Prerequisites

dlt and dlt-init-openapi requires Python 3.9 or higher. Additionally, you need to have the pip package manager installed, and we recommend using a virtual environment to manage your dependencies. You can learn more about preparing your computer for dlt in our installation reference.

1. Install dlt and dlt-init-openapi

First you need to install the dlt-init-openapi cli tool.

pip install dlt-init-openapi

The dlt-init-openapi cli is a powerful generator which you can use to turn any OpenAPI spec into a dlt source to ingest data from that api. The quality of the generator source is dependent on how well the API is designed and how accurate the OpenAPI spec you are using is. You may need to make tweaks to the generated code, you can learn more about this here.

# generate pipeline
# NOTE: add_limit adds a global limit, you can remove this later
# NOTE: you will need to select which endpoints to render, you
# can just hit Enter and all will be rendered.
dlt-init-openapi cisco_meraki --url --global-limit 2
cd cisco_meraki_pipeline
# install generated requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt

The last command will install the required dependencies for your pipeline. The dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt:


You now have the following folder structure in your project:

├── .dlt/
│ ├── config.toml # configs for your pipeline
│ └── secrets.toml # secrets for your pipeline
├── rest_api/ # The rest api verified source
│ └── ...
├── cisco_meraki/
│ └── # TODO: possibly tweak this file
├── # your main pipeline script
├── requirements.txt # dependencies for your pipeline
└── .gitignore # ignore files for git (not required)

1.1. Tweak cisco_meraki/

This file contains the generated configuration of your rest_api. You can continue with the next steps and leave it as is, but you might want to come back here and make adjustments if you need your rest_api source set up in a different way. The generated file for the cisco_meraki source will look like this:

Click to view full file (6115 lines)

from typing import List

import dlt
from dlt.extract.source import DltResource
from rest_api import rest_api_source
from rest_api.typing import RESTAPIConfig

@dlt.source(name="cisco_meraki_source", max_table_nesting=2)
def cisco_meraki_source(
api_key: str = dlt.secrets.value,
base_url: str = dlt.config.value,
) -> List[DltResource]:

# source configuration
source_config: RESTAPIConfig = {
"client": {
"base_url": base_url,
"auth": {

"type": "api_key",
"api_key": api_key,
"name": "X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key",
"location": "header"

# Return the access control lists for a MS network
"name": "get_network_switch_access_control_lists",
"table_name": "access_control_list",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "rules",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/accessControlLists",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the access policies for a switch network. Only returns access policies with 'my RADIUS server' as authentication method
"name": "get_network_switch_access_policies",
"table_name": "access_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a specific access policy for a switch network
"name": "get_network_switch_access_policy",
"table_name": "access_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/accessPolicies/{accessPolicyNumber}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"accessPolicyNumber": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List adaptive policy ACLs in a organization
"name": "get_organization_adaptive_policy_acls",
"table_name": "acl",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/acls",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns the adaptive policy ACL information
"name": "get_organization_adaptive_policy_acl",
"table_name": "acl",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/acls/{aclId}",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"aclId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the list of action batches in the organization
"name": "get_organization_action_batches",
"table_name": "action_batch",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "status": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return an action batch
"name": "get_organization_action_batch",
"table_name": "action_batch",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/actionBatches/{actionBatchId}",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"actionBatchId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the dashboard administrators in this organization
"name": "get_organization_admins",
"table_name": "admin",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/admins",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# List Air Marshal scan results from a network
"name": "get_network_wireless_air_marshal",
"table_name": "air_marshal",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/airMarshal",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return all global alerts on this network
"name": "get_network_health_alerts",
"table_name": "alert",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/health/alerts",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a list of alert types to be used with managing webhook alerts
"name": "get_organization_webhooks_alert_types",
"table_name": "alert_type",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/webhooks/alertTypes",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "productType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the switch alternate management interface for the network
"name": "get_network_switch_alternate_management_interface",
"table_name": "alternate_management_interface",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/alternateManagementInterface",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return alternate management interface and devices with IP assigned
"name": "get_network_wireless_alternate_management_interface",
"table_name": "alternate_management_interface",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/alternateManagementInterface",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the API requests made by an organization
"name": "get_organization_api_requests",
"table_name": "api_request",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/apiRequests",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "adminId": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "path": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "method": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "responseCode": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "sourceIp": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "userAgent": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "version": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "operationIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Get the organization's APNS certificate
"name": "get_organization_sm_apns_cert",
"table_name": "apns_cert",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/sm/apnsCert",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# List all Insight tracked applications
"name": "get_organization_insight_applications",
"table_name": "application",
"primary_key": "applicationId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/insight/applications",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the L7 firewall application categories and their associated applications for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_l7_firewall_rules_application_categories",
"table_name": "application_category",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l7FirewallRules/applicationCategories",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns the application categories for traffic shaping rules.
"name": "get_network_traffic_shaping_application_categories",
"table_name": "application_category",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/trafficShaping/applicationCategories",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the application usage data for clients. Usage data is in kilobytes. Clients can be identified by client keys or either the MACs or IPs depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
"name": "get_network_clients_application_usage",
"table_name": "application_usage",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/clients/applicationUsage",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"clients": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required query parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "ssidNumber": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List Custom Analytics Artifacts
"name": "get_organization_camera_custom_analytics_artifacts",
"table_name": "artifact",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Get Custom Analytics Artifact
"name": "get_organization_camera_custom_analytics_artifact",
"table_name": "artifact",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/camera/customAnalytics/artifacts/{artifactId}",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"artifactId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the availability information for devices in an organization. The data returned by this endpoint is updated every 5 minutes.
"name": "get_organization_devices_availabilities",
"table_name": "availability",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/devices/availabilities",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "productTypes": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tags": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tagsFilterType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns a timeseries of total traffic consumption rates for all clients on a network within a given timespan, in megabits per second.
"name": "get_network_clients_bandwidth_usage_history",
"table_name": "bandwidth_usage_history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/clients/bandwidthUsageHistory",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return data usage (in megabits per second) over time for all clients in the given organization within a given time range.
"name": "get_organization_clients_bandwidth_usage_history",
"table_name": "bandwidth_usage_history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/clients/bandwidthUsageHistory",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a Hub BGP Configuration
"name": "get_network_appliance_vpn_bgp",
"table_name": "bgp",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/vpn/bgp",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the billing settings of this network
"name": "get_network_wireless_billing",
"table_name": "billing",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/billing",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the Bluetooth clients seen by APs in this network
"name": "get_network_bluetooth_clients",
"table_name": "bluetooth_client",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/bluetoothClients",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "includeConnectivityHistory": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a Bluetooth client. Bluetooth clients can be identified by their ID or their MAC.
"name": "get_network_bluetooth_client",
"table_name": "bluetooth_client",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/bluetoothClients/{bluetoothClientId}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"bluetoothClientId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "includeConnectivityHistory": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "connectivityHistoryTimespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the Bonjour forwarding setting and rules for the SSID
"name": "get_network_wireless_ssid_bonjour_forwarding",
"table_name": "bonjour_forwarding",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/bonjourForwarding",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"number": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the branding policies of an organization
"name": "get_organization_branding_policies",
"table_name": "branding_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a branding policy
"name": "get_organization_branding_policy",
"table_name": "branding_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/brandingPolicies/{brandingPolicyId}",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"brandingPolicyId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Get policies for all clients with policies
"name": "get_network_policies_by_client",
"table_name": "by_client",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/policies/byClient",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the devices that have a Dynamic ARP Inspection warning and their warnings
"name": "get_network_switch_dhcp_server_policy_arp_inspection_warnings_by_device",
"table_name": "by_device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy/arpInspection/warnings/byDevice",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the power status information for devices in an organization. The data returned by this endpoint is updated every 5 minutes.
"name": "get_organization_devices_power_modules_statuses_by_device",
"table_name": "by_device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/devices/powerModules/statuses/byDevice",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "productTypes": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tags": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tagsFilterType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the current uplink addresses for devices in an organization.
"name": "get_organization_devices_uplinks_addresses_by_device",
"table_name": "by_device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/devices/uplinks/addresses/byDevice",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "productTypes": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tags": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tagsFilterType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Get firmware upgrade status for the filtered devices
"name": "get_organization_firmware_upgrades_by_device",
"table_name": "by_device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/firmware/upgrades/byDevice",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organization_firmware_upgrades",
"field": "upgradeId",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "macs": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "firmwareUpgradeIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "firmwareUpgradeBatchIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return metrics for organization's top 10 switches by energy usage over given time range. Default unit is joules.
"name": "get_organization_summary_top_switches_by_energy_usage",
"table_name": "by_energy_usage",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/switches/byEnergyUsage",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Tracks organizations' API requests by response code across a given time period
"name": "get_organization_api_requests_overview_response_codes_by_interval",
"table_name": "by_interval",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/apiRequests/overview/responseCodes/byInterval",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "interval": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "version": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "operationIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "sourceIps": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "adminIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "userAgent": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return an overview of currently alerting sensors by metric
"name": "get_network_sensor_alerts_current_overview_by_metric",
"table_name": "by_metric",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "supportedMetrics",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/current/overview/byMetric",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return an overview of alert occurrences over a timespan, by metric
"name": "get_network_sensor_alerts_overview_by_metric",
"table_name": "by_metric",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sensor/alerts/overview/byMetric",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "interval": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the switchports in an organization by switch
"name": "get_organization_switch_ports_by_switch",
"table_name": "by_switch",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/switch/ports/bySwitch",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "portProfileIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "name": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "macs": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "configurationUpdatedAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return metrics for organization's top 10 clients by data usage (in mb) over given time range.
"name": "get_organization_summary_top_clients_by_usage",
"table_name": "by_usage",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/clients/byUsage",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return metrics for organization's top clients by data usage (in mb) over given time range, grouped by manufacturer.
"name": "get_organization_summary_top_clients_manufacturers_by_usage",
"table_name": "by_usage",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/clients/manufacturers/byUsage",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return metrics for organization's top 10 devices sorted by data usage over given time range. Default unit is megabytes.
"name": "get_organization_summary_top_devices_by_usage",
"table_name": "by_usage",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/devices/byUsage",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return metrics for organization's top 10 device models sorted by data usage over given time range. Default unit is megabytes.
"name": "get_organization_summary_top_devices_models_by_usage",
"table_name": "by_usage",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/devices/models/byUsage",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return metrics for organization's top 10 ssids by data usage over given time range. Default unit is megabytes.
"name": "get_organization_summary_top_ssids_by_usage",
"table_name": "by_usage",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/ssids/byUsage",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the top 10 appliances sorted by utilization over given time range.
"name": "get_organization_summary_top_appliances_by_utilization",
"table_name": "by_utilization",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/summary/top/appliances/byUtilization",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Bypass activation lock attempt status
"name": "get_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt",
"table_name": "bypass_activation_lock_attempt",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/bypassActivationLockAttempts/{attemptId}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"attemptId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List all available content filtering categories for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_content_filtering_categories",
"table_name": "category",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/contentFiltering/categories",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the cellular firewall rules for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_cellular_firewall_rules",
"table_name": "cellular_firewall_rule",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/cellularFirewallRules",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the client's daily cellular data usage history. Usage data is in kilobytes.
"name": "get_network_sm_device_cellular_usage_history",
"table_name": "cellular_usage_history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/cellularUsageHistory",
"params": {
"deviceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_sm_devices",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the certs on a device
"name": "get_network_sm_device_certs",
"table_name": "cert",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/certs",
"params": {
"deviceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_sm_devices",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Get the channel utilization over each radio for all APs in a network.
"name": "get_network_network_health_channel_utilization",
"table_name": "channel_utilization",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/networkHealth/channelUtilization",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "resolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return AP channel utilization over time for a device or network client
"name": "get_network_wireless_channel_utilization_history",
"table_name": "channel_utilization_history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/channelUtilizationHistory",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "resolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "autoResolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "clientId": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "deviceSerial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the clients of a device, up to a maximum of a month ago. The usage of each client is returned in kilobytes. If the device is a switch, the switchport is returned; otherwise the switchport field is null.
"name": "get_device_clients",
"table_name": "client",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/clients",
"params": {
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the clients that have used this network in the timespan
"name": "get_network_clients",
"table_name": "client",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/clients",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "statuses": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ip6Local": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "description": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "vlan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "recentDeviceConnections": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the client associated with the given identifier. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
"name": "get_network_client",
"table_name": "client",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/clients/{clientId}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"clientId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return wireless client counts over time for a network, device, or network client
"name": "get_network_wireless_client_count_history",
"table_name": "client_count_history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/clientCountHistory",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "resolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "autoResolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "clientId": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "deviceSerial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the configuration templates for this organization
"name": "get_organization_config_templates",
"table_name": "config_template",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a single configuration template
"name": "get_organization_config_template",
"table_name": "config_template",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/configTemplates/{configTemplateId}",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"configTemplateId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# View the Change Log for your organization
"name": "get_organization_configuration_changes",
"table_name": "configuration_change",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/configurationChanges",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkId": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "adminId": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Aggregated connectivity info for a given AP on this network
"name": "get_device_wireless_connection_stats",
"table_name": "connection_stat",
"primary_key": "serial",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/wireless/connectionStats",
"params": {
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "vlan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Aggregated connectivity info for this network, grouped by clients
"name": "get_network_wireless_clients_connection_stats",
"table_name": "connection_stat",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/connectionStats",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "vlan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Aggregated connectivity info for a given client on this network. Clients are identified by their MAC.
"name": "get_network_wireless_client_connection_stats",
"table_name": "connection_stat",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/connectionStats",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"clientId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "vlan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Aggregated connectivity info for this network
"name": "get_network_wireless_connection_stats",
"table_name": "connection_stat",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/connectionStats",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "vlan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Aggregated connectivity info for this network, grouped by node
"name": "get_network_wireless_devices_connection_stats",
"table_name": "connection_stat",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/devices/connectionStats",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "vlan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns historical connectivity data (whether a device is regularly checking in to Dashboard).
"name": "get_network_sm_device_connectivity",
"table_name": "connectivity",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/connectivity",
"params": {
"deviceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_sm_devices",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the wireless connectivity events for a client within a network in the timespan.
"name": "get_network_wireless_client_connectivity_events",
"table_name": "connectivity_event",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/clients/{clientId}/connectivityEvents",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"clientId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "types": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "includedSeverities": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssidNumber": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "deviceSerial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_connectivity_monitoring_destinations",
"table_name": "connectivity_monitoring_destination",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/connectivityMonitoringDestinations",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MG network
"name": "get_network_cellular_gateway_connectivity_monitoring_destinations",
"table_name": "connectivity_monitoring_destination",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/connectivityMonitoringDestinations",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the content filtering settings for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_content_filtering",
"table_name": "content_filtering",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/contentFiltering",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return custom analytics settings for a camera
"name": "get_device_camera_custom_analytics",
"table_name": "custom_analytic",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/camera/customAnalytics",
"params": {
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List all custom performance classes for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_traffic_shaping_custom_performance_classes",
"table_name": "custom_performance_class",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a custom performance class for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_traffic_shaping_custom_performance_class",
"table_name": "custom_performance_class",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/trafficShaping/customPerformanceClasses/{customPerformanceClassId}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"customPerformanceClassId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return PHY data rates over time for a network, device, or network client
"name": "get_network_wireless_data_rate_history",
"table_name": "data_rate_history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/dataRateHistory",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "resolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "autoResolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "clientId": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "deviceSerial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return current delegated IPv6 prefixes on an appliance.
"name": "get_device_appliance_prefixes_delegated",
"table_name": "delegated",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/appliance/prefixes/delegated",
"params": {
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return historical records of various Systems Manager network connection details for desktop devices.
"name": "get_network_sm_device_desktop_logs",
"table_name": "desktop_log",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/desktopLogs",
"params": {
"deviceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_sm_devices",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a single device
"name": "get_device",
"table_name": "device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}",
"params": {
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the devices in a network
"name": "get_network_devices",
"table_name": "device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/devices",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the devices enrolled in an SM network with various specified fields and filters
"name": "get_network_sm_devices",
"table_name": "device",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/devices",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "fields": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "wifiMacs": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "scope": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the devices in an organization
"name": "get_organization_devices",
"table_name": "device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/devices",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "configurationUpdatedAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "productTypes": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tags": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tagsFilterType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "name": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "model": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "macs": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "sensorMetrics": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "sensorAlertProfileIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "models": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the device inventory for an organization
"name": "get_organization_inventory_devices",
"table_name": "device",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/devices",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "usedState": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "search": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "macs": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "models": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "orderNumbers": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tags": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "tagsFilterType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "productTypes": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a single device from the inventory of an organization
"name": "get_organization_inventory_device",
"table_name": "device",
"primary_key": "serial",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/devices/{serial}",
"params": {
"serial": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organization_inventory_devices",
"field": "serial",
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return historical records of commands sent to Systems Manager devices. Note that this will include the name of the Dashboard user who initiated the command if it was generated by a Dashboard admin rather than the automatic behavior of the system; you may wish to filter this out of any reports.
"name": "get_network_sm_device_device_command_logs",
"table_name": "device_command_log",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/deviceCommandLogs",
"params": {
"deviceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_sm_devices",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Get the installed profiles associated with a device
"name": "get_network_sm_device_device_profiles",
"table_name": "device_profile",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/devices/{deviceId}/deviceProfiles",
"params": {
"deviceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_sm_devices",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Get the profiles associated with a user
"name": "get_network_sm_user_device_profiles",
"table_name": "device_profile",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/sm/users/{userId}/deviceProfiles",
"params": {
"userId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_sm_users",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the device type group policies for the SSID
"name": "get_network_wireless_ssid_device_type_group_policies",
"table_name": "device_type_group_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/deviceTypeGroupPolicies",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"number": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch
"name": "get_device_switch_routing_interface_dhcp",
"table_name": "dhcp",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp",
"params": {
"interfaceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_device_switch_routing_interfaces",
"field": "interfaceId",
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List common DHCP settings of MGs
"name": "get_network_cellular_gateway_dhcp",
"table_name": "dhcp",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "dnsCustomNameservers",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/cellularGateway/dhcp",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a layer 3 interface DHCP configuration for a switch stack
"name": "get_network_switch_stack_routing_interface_dhcp",
"table_name": "dhcp",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}/dhcp",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"switchStackId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"interfaceId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the DHCP server settings. Blocked/allowed servers are only applied when default policy is allow/block, respectively
"name": "get_network_switch_dhcp_server_policy",
"table_name": "dhcp_server_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/dhcpServerPolicy",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns the available DSCP tagging options for your traffic shaping rules.
"name": "get_network_traffic_shaping_dscp_tagging_options",
"table_name": "dscp_tagging_option",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/trafficShaping/dscpTaggingOptions",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the DSCP to CoS mappings
"name": "get_network_switch_dscp_to_cos_mappings",
"table_name": "dscp_to_cos_mapping",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/dscpToCosMappings",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the EAP overridden parameters for an SSID
"name": "get_network_wireless_ssid_eap_override",
"table_name": "eap_override",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/eapOverride",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"number": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the security events for a client. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
"name": "get_network_appliance_client_security_events",
"table_name": "event",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/clients/{clientId}/security/events",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"clientId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "sortOrder": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the security events for a network
"name": "get_network_appliance_security_events",
"table_name": "event",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/events",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "sortOrder": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the events for the network
"name": "get_network_events",
"table_name": "event",
"primary_key": "networkId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "events",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/events",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "productType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "includedEventTypes": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "excludedEventTypes": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "deviceMac": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "deviceSerial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "deviceName": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "clientIp": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "clientMac": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "clientName": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "smDeviceMac": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "smDeviceName": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Get the Staged Upgrade Event from a network
"name": "get_network_firmware_upgrades_staged_events",
"table_name": "event",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "reasons",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/events",
"params": {
"networkId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_firmware_upgrades",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the security events for an organization
"name": "get_organization_appliance_security_events",
"table_name": "event",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/security/events",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "sortOrder": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the event type to human-readable description
"name": "get_network_events_event_types",
"table_name": "event_type",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/events/eventTypes",
"params": {
"networkId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_events",
"field": "networkId",

"paginator": "auto",
# List of all failed client connection events on this network in a given time range
"name": "get_network_wireless_failed_connections",
"table_name": "failed_connection",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/failedConnections",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "band": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "ssid": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "vlan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serial": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "clientId": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the available early access features for organization
"name": "get_organization_early_access_features",
"table_name": "feature",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/earlyAccess/features",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# List the appliance services and their accessibility rules
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_firewalled_services",
"table_name": "firewalled_service",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/firewalledServices",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the accessibility settings of the given service ('ICMP', 'web', or 'SNMP')
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_firewalled_service",
"table_name": "firewalled_service",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/firewalledServices/{service}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"service": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Get firmware upgrade information for a network
"name": "get_network_firmware_upgrades",
"table_name": "firmware_upgrade",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "products.appliance.availableVersions",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the floor plans that belong to your network
"name": "get_network_floor_plans",
"table_name": "floor_plan",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/floorPlans",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Find a floor plan by ID
"name": "get_network_floor_plan",
"table_name": "floor_plan",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/floorPlans/{floorPlanId}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"floorPlanId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List of Staged Upgrade Groups in a network
"name": "get_network_firmware_upgrades_staged_groups",
"table_name": "group",
"primary_key": "groupId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/groups",
"params": {
"networkId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_firmware_upgrades",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Get a Staged Upgrade Group from a network
"name": "get_network_firmware_upgrades_staged_group",
"table_name": "group",
"primary_key": "groupId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/firmwareUpgrades/staged/groups/{groupId}",
"params": {
"groupId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_firmware_upgrades_staged_groups",
"field": "groupId",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List adaptive policy groups in a organization
"name": "get_organization_adaptive_policy_groups",
"table_name": "group",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns an adaptive policy group
"name": "get_organization_adaptive_policy_group",
"table_name": "group",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/adaptivePolicy/groups/{id}",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"id": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Lists Policy Object Groups belonging to the organization.
"name": "get_organization_policy_objects_groups",
"table_name": "group",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Shows details of a Policy Object Group.
"name": "get_organization_policy_objects_group",
"table_name": "group",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/policyObjects/groups/{policyObjectGroupId}",
"params": {
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"policyObjectGroupId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the group policies in a network
"name": "get_network_group_policies",
"table_name": "group_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Display a group policy
"name": "get_network_group_policy",
"table_name": "group_policy",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/groupPolicies/{groupPolicyId}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"groupPolicyId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Get application health by time
"name": "get_network_insight_application_health_by_time",
"table_name": "health_by_time",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/insight/applications/{applicationId}/healthByTime",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"applicationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "resolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return historical records for analytic zones
"name": "get_device_camera_analytics_zone_history",
"table_name": "history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/camera/analytics/zones/{zoneId}/history",
"params": {
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"zoneId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "resolution": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "objectType": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the alert history for this network
"name": "get_network_alerts_history",
"table_name": "history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/alerts/history",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return all reported readings from sensors in a given timespan, sorted by timestamp
"name": "get_organization_sensor_readings_history",
"table_name": "history",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/sensor/readings/history",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
# the parameters below can optionally be configured
# "perPage": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "startingAfter": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "endingBefore": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "timespan": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "networkIds": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "serials": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",
# "metrics": "OPTIONAL_CONFIG",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the Hotspot 2.0 settings for an SSID
"name": "get_network_wireless_ssid_hotspot_20",
"table_name": "hotspot20",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/hotspot20",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"number": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the HTTP servers for a network
"name": "get_network_webhooks_http_servers",
"table_name": "http_server",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/webhooks/httpServers",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return an HTTP server for a network
"name": "get_network_webhooks_http_server",
"table_name": "http_server",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/webhooks/httpServers/{httpServerId}",
"params": {
"httpServerId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_webhooks_http_servers",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List all Identity PSKs in a wireless network
"name": "get_network_wireless_ssid_identity_psks",
"table_name": "identity_psk",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/identityPsks",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"number": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return an Identity PSK
"name": "get_network_wireless_ssid_identity_psk",
"table_name": "identity_psk",
"primary_key": "id",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/identityPsks/{identityPskId}",
"params": {
"identityPskId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_network_wireless_ssid_identity_psks",
"field": "id",
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"number": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the SAML IdPs in your organization.
"name": "get_organization_saml_idps",
"table_name": "idp",
"primary_key": "idpId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/saml/idps",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Get a SAML IdP from your organization.
"name": "get_organization_saml_idp",
"table_name": "idp",
"primary_key": "idpId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/saml/idps/{idpId}",
"params": {
"idpId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organization_saml_idps",
"field": "idpId",
"organizationId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Check the status of a committed Import operation
"name": "get_organization_inventory_onboarding_cloud_monitoring_imports",
"table_name": "import",
"primary_key": "importId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/inventory/onboarding/cloudMonitoring/imports",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",
"importIds": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required query parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the inbound cellular firewall rules for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_cellular_firewall_rules",
"table_name": "inbound_cellular_firewall_rule",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/inboundCellularFirewallRules",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the inbound firewall rules for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules",
"table_name": "inbound_firewall_rule",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/inboundFirewallRules",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List layer 3 interfaces for a switch. Those for a stack may be found under switch stack routing.
"name": "get_device_switch_routing_interfaces",
"table_name": "interface",
"primary_key": "interfaceId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces",
"params": {
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a layer 3 interface for a switch
"name": "get_device_switch_routing_interface",
"table_name": "interface",
"primary_key": "interfaceId",
"write_disposition": "merge",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/devices/{serial}/switch/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}",
"params": {
"interfaceId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_device_switch_routing_interfaces",
"field": "interfaceId",
"serial": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List layer 3 interfaces for a switch stack
"name": "get_network_switch_stack_routing_interfaces",
"table_name": "interface",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"switchStackId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return a layer 3 interface from a switch stack
"name": "get_network_switch_stack_routing_interface",
"table_name": "interface",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/switch/stacks/{switchStackId}/routing/interfaces/{interfaceId}",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"switchStackId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"interfaceId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns all supported intrusion settings for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_security_intrusion",
"table_name": "intrusion",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/security/intrusion",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Returns all supported intrusion settings for an organization
"name": "get_organization_appliance_security_intrusion",
"table_name": "intrusion",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/organizations/{organizationId}/appliance/security/intrusion",
"params": {
"organizationId": {
"type": "resolve",
"resource": "get_organizations",
"field": "id",

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the L3 firewall rules for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_l3_firewall_rules",
"table_name": "l_3_firewall_rule",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l3FirewallRules",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the L3 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network
"name": "get_network_wireless_ssid_firewall_l3_firewall_rules",
"table_name": "l_3_firewall_rule",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/wireless/ssids/{number}/firewall/l3FirewallRules",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter
"number": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# List the MX L7 firewall rules for an MX network
"name": "get_network_appliance_firewall_l7_firewall_rules",
"table_name": "l_7_firewall_rule",
"endpoint": {
"data_selector": "$",
"path": "/networks/{networkId}/appliance/firewall/l7FirewallRules",
"params": {
"networkId": "FILL_ME_IN", # TODO: fill in required path parameter

"paginator": "auto",
# Return the L7 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network
"name": "get_networ