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Version: 1.7.0 (latest)

Filesystem source

Filesystem source allows loading files from remote locations (AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, Google Drive, Azure Blob Storage, SFTP server) or the local filesystem seamlessly. Filesystem source natively supports CSV, Parquet, and JSONL files and allows customization for loading any type of structured files.

To load unstructured data (PDF, plain text, e-mail), please refer to the unstructured data source.

How filesystem source works

The Filesystem source doesn't just give you an easy way to load data from both remote and local files — it also comes with a powerful set of tools that let you customize the loading process to fit your specific needs.

Filesystem source loads data in two steps:

  1. It accesses the files in your remote or local file storage without actually reading the content yet. At this point, you can filter files by metadata or name. You can also set up incremental loading to load only new files.
  2. The transformer reads the files' content and yields the records. At this step, you can filter out the actual data, enrich records with metadata from files, or perform incremental loading based on the file content.

Quick example

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_parquet

filesystem_resource = filesystem(
filesystem_pipe = filesystem_resource | read_parquet()

# We load the data into the table_name table
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
load_info ="table_name"))



Please make sure the dlt library is installed. Refer to the installation guide.

Initialize the filesystem source

To get started with your data pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the following command:

    dlt init filesystem duckdb

    The dlt init command will initialize the pipeline example with the filesystem as the source and duckdb as the destination.

  2. If you would like to use a different destination, simply replace duckdb with the name of your preferred destination.

  3. After running this command, a new directory will be created with the necessary files and configuration settings to get started.


Get credentials

To get AWS keys for S3 access:

  1. Access IAM in the AWS Console.
  2. Select "Users", choose a user, and open "Security credentials".
  3. Click "Create access key" for AWS ID and Secret Key.

For more info, see AWS official documentation.

Add credentials to dlt pipeline

To provide credentials to the filesystem source, you can use any method available in dlt. One of the easiest ways is to use configuration files. The .dlt folder in your working directory contains two files: config.toml and secrets.toml. Sensitive information, like passwords and access tokens, should only be put into secrets.toml, while any other configuration, like the path to a bucket, can be specified in config.toml.

# secrets.toml
aws_access_key_id="Please set me up!"
aws_secret_access_key="Please set me up!"

# config.toml

You can also specify the credentials using environment variables. The name of the corresponding environment variable should be slightly different from the corresponding name in the TOML file. Simply replace dots . with double underscores __:


dlt supports more ways of authorizing with cloud storage, including identity-based and default credentials. To learn more about adding credentials to your pipeline, please refer to the Configuration and secrets section.


The filesystem source is quite unique since it provides you with building blocks for loading data from files. First, it iterates over files in the storage and then processes each file to yield the records. Usually, you need two resources:

  1. The filesystem resource enumerates files in a selected bucket using a glob pattern, returning details as FileItem in customizable page sizes.
  2. One of the available transformer resources to process each file in a specific transforming function and yield the records.

1. Initialize a filesystem resource


If you use just the filesystem resource, it will only list files in the storage based on glob parameters and yield the files metadata. The filesystem resource itself does not read or copy files.

All parameters of the resource can be specified directly in code:

from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem

filesystem_source = filesystem(

or taken from the config:

  • python code:

    from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem

    filesystem_source = filesystem()
  • configuration file:


Full list of filesystem resource parameters:

  • bucket_url - full URL of the bucket (could be a relative path in the case of the local filesystem).
  • credentials - cloud storage credentials of AbstractFilesystem instance (should be empty for the local filesystem). We recommend not specifying this parameter in the code, but putting it in a secrets file instead.
  • file_glob - file filter in glob format. Defaults to listing all non-recursive files in the bucket URL.
  • files_per_page - number of files processed at once. The default value is 100.
  • extract_content - if true, the content of the file will be read and returned in the resource. The default value is False.

2. Choose the right transformer resource

The current implementation of the filesystem source natively supports three file types: CSV, Parquet, and JSONL. You can apply any of the above or create your own transformer. To apply the selected transformer resource, use pipe notation |:

from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv

filesystem_pipe = filesystem(
) | read_csv()

Available transformers

  • read_csv() - processes CSV files using Pandas
  • read_jsonl() - processes JSONL files chunk by chunk
  • read_parquet() - processes Parquet files using PyArrow
  • read_csv_duckdb() - this transformer processes CSV files using DuckDB, which usually shows better performance than pandas.

We advise that you give each resource a specific name before loading with This will ensure that data goes to a table with the name you want and that each pipeline uses a separate state for incremental loading.

3. Create and run a pipeline

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv

filesystem_pipe = filesystem(bucket_url="file://Users/admin/Documents/csv_files", file_glob="*.csv") | read_csv()
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
info =

For more information on how to create and run the pipeline, read the Walkthrough: Run a pipeline.

4. Apply hints

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv

filesystem_pipe = filesystem(bucket_url="file://Users/admin/Documents/csv_files", file_glob="*.csv") | read_csv()
# Tell dlt to merge on date
filesystem_pipe.apply_hints(write_disposition="merge", merge_key="date")

# We load the data into the table_name table
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
load_info ="table_name"))

5. Incremental loading

Here are a few simple ways to load your data incrementally:

  1. Load files based on modification date. Only load files that have been updated since the last time dlt processed them. dlt checks the files' metadata (like the modification date) and skips those that haven't changed.
  2. Load new records based on a specific column. You can load only the new or updated records by looking at a specific column, like updated_at. Unlike the first method, this approach would read all files every time and then filter the records which were updated.
  3. Combine loading only updated files and records. Finally, you can combine both methods. It could be useful if new records could be added to existing files, so you not only want to filter the modified files, but also the modified records.

Load files based on modification date

For example, to load only new CSV files with incremental loading, you can use the apply_hints method.

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv

# This configuration will only consider new CSV files
new_files = filesystem(bucket_url="s3://bucket_name", file_glob="directory/*.csv")
# Add incremental on modification time

pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
load_info = | read_csv()).with_name("csv_files"))

Load new records based on a specific column

In this example, we load only new records based on the field called updated_at. This method may be useful if you are not able to filter files by modification date because, for example, all files are modified each time a new record appears.

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv

# We consider all CSV files
all_files = filesystem(bucket_url="s3://bucket_name", file_glob="directory/*.csv")

# But filter out only updated records
filesystem_pipe = (all_files | read_csv())
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
load_info =

Combine loading only updated files and records

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv

# This configuration will only consider modified CSV files
new_files = filesystem(bucket_url="s3://bucket_name", file_glob="directory/*.csv")

# And in each modified file, we filter out only updated records
filesystem_pipe = (new_files | read_csv())
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
load_info =

6. Filter files

If you need to filter out files based on their metadata, you can easily do this using the add_filter method. Within your filtering function, you'll have access to any field of the FileItem representation.

Filter by name

To filter only files that have London and Berlin in their names, you can do the following:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv

# Filter files accessing file_name field
filtered_files = filesystem(bucket_url="s3://bucket_name", file_glob="directory/*.csv")
filtered_files.add_filter(lambda item: ("London" in item["file_name"]) or ("Berlin" in item["file_name"]))

filesystem_pipe = (filtered_files | read_csv())
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
load_info =

You could also use file_glob to filter files by names. It works very well in simple cases, for example, filtering by extension:

from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem

filtered_files = filesystem(bucket_url="s3://bucket_name", file_glob="**/*.json")

Filter by size

If for some reason you only want to load small files, you can also do that:

import dlt
from dlt.sources.filesystem import filesystem, read_csv


# Filter files accessing size_in_bytes field
filtered_files = filesystem(bucket_url="s3://bucket_name", file_glob="directory/*.csv")
filtered_files.add_filter(lambda item: item["size_in_bytes"] < MAX_SIZE_IN_BYTES)

filesystem_pipe = (filtered_files | read_csv())
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(pipeline_name="my_pipeline", destination="duckdb")
load_info =


Access extremely long file paths

Windows supports paths up to 255 characters. When you access a path longer than 255 characters, you'll see a FileNotFound exception.

To go over this limit, you can use extended paths. Note that Python glob does not work with extended UNC paths, so you will not be able to use them

bucket_url = '\\?\C:\a\b\c'

If you get an empty list of files

If you are running a dlt pipeline with the filesystem source and get zero records, we recommend you check the configuration of bucket_url and file_glob parameters.

For example, with Azure Blob Storage, people sometimes mistake the account name for the container name. Make sure you've set up a URL as "az://<container name>/".

Also, please reference the glob function to configure the resource correctly. Use ** to include recursive files. Note that the local filesystem supports full Python glob functionality, while cloud storage supports a restricted fsspec version.

Additional Setup guides

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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