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Version: 1.2.0 (latest)

Command line interface

dlt init​

dlt init <source> <destination>

This command creates a new dlt pipeline script that loads data from source to destination. When you run the command:

  1. It creates a basic project structure if the current folder is empty, adding .dlt/config.toml, .dlt/secrets.toml, and .gitignore files.
  2. It checks if the source argument matches one of our verified sources and, if so, adds it to the project.
  3. If the source is unknown, it will use a generic template to get you started.
  4. It will rewrite the pipeline scripts to use your destination.
  5. It will create sample config and credentials in secrets.toml and config.toml for the specified source and destination.
  6. It will create requirements.txt with dependencies required by the source and destination. If one exists, it will print instructions on what to add to it.

This command can be used several times in the same folder to add more sources, destinations, and pipelines. It will also update the verified source code to the newest version if run again with an existing source name. You are warned if files will be overwritten or if the dlt version needs an upgrade to run a particular pipeline.

Specify your own "verified sources" repository​

You can use the --location <repo_url or local folder> option to specify your own repository with sources. Typically, you would fork ours and start customizing and adding sources, e.g., to use them for your team or organization. You can also specify a branch with --branch <name>, e.g., to test a version being developed.

List all sources​

dlt init --list-sources

Shows all available verified sources and their short descriptions. For each source, it checks if your local dlt version requires an update and prints the relevant warning.

dlt deploy​

This command prepares your pipeline for deployment and gives you step-by-step instructions on how to accomplish it. To enable this functionality, please first execute

pip install "dlt[cli]"

that will add additional packages to the current environment.

πŸ’‘ We ask you to install those dependencies separately to keep our core library small and make it work everywhere.


dlt deploy <script>.py github-action --schedule "*/30 * * * *"

GitHub Actions is a CI/CD runner that you can use basically for free.

You need to specify when the GitHub Action should run using a cron schedule expression. The command also takes additional flags: --run-on-push (default is False) and --run-manually (default is True). Remember to put the cron schedule into quotation marks as in the example above.

For the API example above, you could deploy it with dlt deploy github-action --schedule "*/30 * * * *".

Follow the guide on how to deploy a pipeline with GitHub Actions to learn more.


dlt deploy <script>.py airflow-composer

Google Composer is a managed Airflow environment provided by Google.

Follow the guide on how to deploy a pipeline with Airflow to learn more.

It will create an Airflow DAG for your pipeline script that you should customize. The DAG is using dlt Airflow wrapper to make this process trivial.

It displays the environment variables with secrets you must add to Airflow.

You'll also get a cloudbuild file to sync the GitHub repository with the dag folder of your Airflow Composer instance.

πŸ’‘ The command targets Composer users, but the generated DAG and instructions will work with any Airflow instance.

dlt pipeline​

Use this command to inspect the pipeline working directory, tables, and data in the destination and check for problems with the data loading.

Show tables and data in the destination​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> show

Generates and launches a simple Streamlit app that you can use to inspect the schemas and data in the destination as well as your pipeline state and loading status/stats. Should be executed from the same folder from which you ran the pipeline script to access destination credentials. Requires streamlit to be installed.

Get the pipeline information​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> info

Displays the content of the working directory of the pipeline: dataset name, destination, list of schemas, resources in schemas, list of completed and normalized load packages, and optionally a pipeline state set by the resources during the extraction process.

Get the load package information​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> load-package <load id>

Shows information on a load package with a given load_id. The load_id parameter defaults to the most recent package. Package information includes its state (COMPLETED/PROCESSED) and list of all jobs in a package with their statuses, file sizes, types, and in case of failed jobsβ€”the error messages from the destination. With the verbose flag set dlt pipeline -v ..., you can also see the list of all tables and columns created at the destination during the loading of that package.

List all failed jobs​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> failed-jobs

This command scans all the load packages looking for failed jobs and then displays information on files that got loaded and the failure message from the destination.

Get the last run trace​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> trace

Displays the trace of the last pipeline run containing the start date of the run, elapsed time, and the same information for all the steps (extract, normalize, and load). If any of the steps failed, you'll see the message of the exceptions that caused that problem. Successful load and run steps will display the load info instead.

Sync pipeline with the destination​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> sync

This command will remove the pipeline working directory with all pending packages, not synchronized state changes, and schemas and retrieve the last synchronized data from the destination. If you drop the dataset the pipeline is loading to, this command results in a complete reset of the pipeline state.

In case of a pipeline without a working directory, the command may be used to create one from the destination. In order to do that, you need to pass the dataset name and destination name to the CLI and provide the credentials to connect to the destination (i.e., in .dlt/secrets.toml) placed in the folder where you execute the pipeline sync command.

Selectively drop tables and reset state​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> drop [resource_1] [resource_2]

Drops tables generated by selected resources and resets the state associated with them. Mainly used to force a full refresh on selected tables. In the example below, we drop all tables generated by the repo_events resource in the GitHub pipeline:

dlt pipeline github_events drop repo_events

dlt will inform you of the names of dropped tables and the resource state slots that will be reset:

About to drop the following data in dataset airflow_events_1 in destination dlt.destinations.duckdb:
Selected schema:: github_repo_events
Selected resource(s):: ['repo_events']
Table(s) to drop:: ['issues_event', 'fork_event', 'pull_request_event', 'pull_request_review_event', 'pull_request_review_comment_event', 'watch_event', 'issue_comment_event', 'push_event__payload__commits', 'push_event']
Resource(s) state to reset:: ['repo_events']
Source state path(s) to reset:: []
Do you want to apply these changes? [y/N]

As a result of the command above:

  1. All the indicated tables will be dropped in the destination. Note that dlt drops the nested tables as well.
  2. All the indicated tables will be removed from the indicated schema.
  3. The state for the resource repo_events was found and will be reset.
  4. New schema and state will be stored in the destination.

The drop command accepts several advanced settings:

  1. You can use regexes to select resources. Prepend the re: string to indicate a regex pattern. The example below will select all resources starting with repo:
dlt pipeline github_events drop "re:^repo"
  1. You can drop all tables in the indicated schema:
dlt pipeline chess drop --drop-all
  1. You can indicate additional state slots to reset by passing JsonPath to the source state. In the example below, we reset the archives slot in the source state:
dlt pipeline chess_pipeline drop --state-paths archives

This will select the archives key in the chess source:

"chess": {
"archives": [

❗ This command is still experimental and the interface will most probably change. Resetting the resource state assumes that the dlt state layout is followed.

List all pipelines on the local machine​

dlt pipeline --list-pipelines

This command lists all the pipelines executed on the local machine with their working data in the default pipelines folder.

Drop pending and partially loaded packages​

dlt pipeline <pipeline name> drop-pending-packages

Removes all extracted and normalized packages in the pipeline's working dir. dlt keeps extracted and normalized load packages in the pipeline working directory. When the run method is called, it will attempt to normalize and load pending packages first. The command above removes such packages. Note that pipeline state is not reverted to the state at which the deleted packages were created. Using dlt pipeline ... sync is recommended if your destination supports state sync.

Show stack traces​

If the command fails and you want to see the full stack trace, add --debug just after the dlt executable.

dlt --debug pipeline github info

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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