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BasePaginator Objects

class BasePaginator(ABC)


A base class for all paginator implementations. Paginators are used to handle paginated responses from RESTful APIs.

See RESTClient.paginate() for example usage.


def has_next_page() -> bool


Determines if there is a next page available.


  • bool - True if a next page is available, otherwise False.


def init_request(request: Request) -> None


Initializes the request object with parameters for the first pagination request.

This method can be overridden by subclasses to include specific initialization logic.


  • request Request - The request object to be initialized.


def update_state(response: Response, data: Optional[List[Any]] = None) -> None


Updates the paginator's state based on the response from the API.

This method should extract necessary pagination details (like next page references) from the response and update the paginator's state accordingly. It should also set the _has_next_page attribute to indicate if there is a next page available.


  • response Response - The response object from the API request.


def update_request(request: Request) -> None


Updates the request object with arguments for fetching the next page.

This method should modify the request object to include necessary details (like URLs or parameters) for requesting the next page based on the current state of the paginator.


  • request Request - The request object to be updated for the next page fetch.

SinglePagePaginator Objects

class SinglePagePaginator(BasePaginator)


A paginator for single-page API responses.

RangePaginator Objects

class RangePaginator(BasePaginator)


A base paginator class for paginators that use a numeric parameter for pagination, such as page number or offset.

See PageNumberPaginator and OffsetPaginator for examples.


def __init__(param_name: str,
initial_value: int,
value_step: int,
base_index: int = 0,
maximum_value: Optional[int] = None,
total_path: Optional[jsonpath.TJsonPath] = None,
error_message_items: str = "items",
stop_after_empty_page: Optional[bool] = True)



  • param_name str - The query parameter name for the numeric value. For example, 'page'.
  • initial_value int - The initial value of the numeric parameter.
  • value_step int - The step size to increment the numeric parameter.
  • base_index int, optional - The index of the initial element. Used to define 0-based or 1-based indexing. Defaults to 0.
  • maximum_value int, optional - The maximum value for the numeric parameter. If provided, pagination will stop once this value is reached or exceeded, even if more data is available. This allows you to limit the maximum range for pagination. If not provided, total_path must be specified. Defaults to None.
  • total_path jsonpath.TJsonPath, optional - The JSONPath expression for the total number of items. For example, if the JSON response is
  • ``{"items" - [...], "total": 100}, the total_path would be 'total'. If not provided, maximum_value must be specified.
  • error_message_items str - The name of the items in the error message. Defaults to 'items'.
  • stop_after_empty_page bool - Whether pagination should stop when a page contains no result items. Defaults to True.

PageNumberPaginator Objects

class PageNumberPaginator(RangePaginator)


A paginator that uses page number-based pagination strategy.

For example, consider an API located at that supports pagination through page number and page size query parameters, and provides the total number of pages in its responses, as shown below:

{ "items": [...], "total_pages": 10 }

To use PageNumberPaginator with such an API, you can instantiate RESTClient as follows:

from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import RESTClient

client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=PageNumberPaginator( total_path="total_pages" ) )

@dlt.resource def get_items(): for page in client.paginate("/items", params={"size": 100}): yield page

Note that we pass the size parameter in the initial request to the API. The PageNumberPaginator will automatically increment the page number for each subsequent request until all items are fetched.

If the API does not provide the total number of pages, you can use the maximum_page parameter to limit the number of pages to fetch. For example:

client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=PageNumberPaginator( maximum_page=5, total_path=None ) ) ...

In this case, pagination will stop after fetching 5 pages of data.


def __init__(base_page: int = 0,
page: int = None,
page_param: str = "page",
total_path: Optional[jsonpath.TJsonPath] = "total",
maximum_page: Optional[int] = None,
stop_after_empty_page: Optional[bool] = True)



  • base_page int - The index of the initial page from the API perspective. Determines the page number that the API server uses for the starting page. Normally, this is 0-based or 1-based (e.g., 1, 2, 3, ...) indexing for the pages. Defaults to 0.
  • page int - The page number for the first request. If not provided, the initial value will be set to base_page.
  • page_param str - The query parameter name for the page number. Defaults to 'page'.
  • total_path jsonpath.TJsonPath - The JSONPath expression for the total number of pages. Defaults to 'total'.
  • maximum_page int - The maximum page number. If provided, pagination will stop once this page is reached or exceeded, even if more data is available. This allows you to limit the maximum number of pages for pagination. Defaults to None.
  • stop_after_empty_page bool - Whether pagination should stop when a page contains no result items. Defaults to True.

OffsetPaginator Objects

class OffsetPaginator(RangePaginator)


A paginator that uses offset-based pagination strategy.

This paginator is useful for APIs where pagination is controlled through offset and limit query parameters and the total count of items is returned in the response.

For example, consider an API located at that supports pagination through offset and limit, and provides the total item count in its responses, as shown below:

{ "items": [...], "total": 1000 }

To use OffsetPaginator with such an API, you can instantiate RESTClient as follows:

from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import RESTClient

client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=OffsetPaginator( limit=100, total_path="total" ) ) @dlt.resource def get_items(): for page in client.paginate("/items"): yield page

The OffsetPaginator will automatically increment the offset for each subsequent request until all items are fetched.

If the API does not provide the total count of items, you can use the maximum_offset parameter to limit the number of items to fetch. For example:

client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=OffsetPaginator( limit=100, maximum_offset=1000, total_path=None ) ) ...

In this case, pagination will stop after fetching 1000 items.


def __init__(limit: int,
offset: int = 0,
offset_param: str = "offset",
limit_param: str = "limit",
total_path: Optional[jsonpath.TJsonPath] = "total",
maximum_offset: Optional[int] = None,
stop_after_empty_page: Optional[bool] = True) -> None



  • limit int - The maximum number of items to retrieve in each request.
  • offset int - The offset for the first request. Defaults to 0.
  • offset_param str - The query parameter name for the offset. Defaults to 'offset'.
  • limit_param str - The query parameter name for the limit. Defaults to 'limit'.
  • total_path jsonpath.TJsonPath - The JSONPath expression for the total number of items.
  • maximum_offset int - The maximum offset value. If provided, pagination will stop once this offset is reached or exceeded, even if more data is available. This allows you to limit the maximum range for pagination. Defaults to None.
  • stop_after_empty_page bool - Whether pagination should stop when a page contains no result items. Defaults to True.

BaseReferencePaginator Objects

class BaseReferencePaginator(BasePaginator)


A base paginator class for paginators that use a reference to the next page, such as a URL or a cursor string.

Subclasses should implement:

  1. update_state method to extract the next page reference and set the _next_reference attribute accordingly.
  2. update_request method to update the request object with the next page reference.

BaseNextUrlPaginator Objects

class BaseNextUrlPaginator(BaseReferencePaginator)


A base paginator class for paginators that use a URL provided in the API response to fetch the next page. For example, the URL can be found in HTTP headers or in the JSON response.

Subclasses should implement the update_state method to extract the next page URL and set the _next_reference attribute accordingly.

See HeaderLinkPaginator and JSONLinkPaginator for examples.

HeaderLinkPaginator Objects

class HeaderLinkPaginator(BaseNextUrlPaginator)


A paginator that uses the 'Link' header in HTTP responses for pagination.

A good example of this is the GitHub API:

For example, consider an API response that includes 'Link' header:

... Content-Type: application/json Link: <>; rel="next", <>; rel="prev"

[ {"id": 1, "name": "item1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "item2"}, ... ]

In this scenario, the URL for the next page ( is identified by its relation type rel="next". HeaderLinkPaginator extracts this URL from the 'Link' header and uses it to fetch the next page of results:

from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import RESTClient client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=HeaderLinkPaginator() )

@dlt.resource def get_issues(): for page in client.paginate("/items"): yield page


def __init__(links_next_key: str = "next") -> None



  • links_next_key str, optional - The key (rel) in the 'Link' header that contains the next page URL. Defaults to 'next'.


def update_state(response: Response, data: Optional[List[Any]] = None) -> None


Extracts the next page URL from the 'Link' header in the response.

JSONLinkPaginator Objects

class JSONLinkPaginator(BaseNextUrlPaginator)


Locates the next page URL within the JSON response body. The key containing the URL can be specified using a JSON path.

For example, suppose the JSON response from an API contains data items along with a 'pagination' object:

{ "items": [ {"id": 1, "name": "item1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "item2"}, ... ], "pagination": { "next": "" } }

The link to the next page ( is located in the 'next' key of the 'pagination' object. You can use JSONLinkPaginator to paginate through the API endpoint:

from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import RESTClient client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=JSONLinkPaginator(next_url_path="") )

@dlt.resource def get_data(): for page in client.paginate("/posts"): yield page


def __init__(next_url_path: jsonpath.TJsonPath = "next")



  • next_url_path jsonpath.TJsonPath - The JSON path to the key containing the next page URL in the response body. Defaults to 'next'.


def update_state(response: Response, data: Optional[List[Any]] = None) -> None


Extracts the next page URL from the JSON response.

JSONResponseCursorPaginator Objects

class JSONResponseCursorPaginator(BaseReferencePaginator)


Uses a cursor parameter for pagination, with the cursor value found in the JSON response body.

For example, suppose the JSON response from an API contains a 'cursors' object:

{ "items": [ {"id": 1, "name": "item1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "item2"}, ... ], "cursors": { "next": "aW1wb3J0IGFudGlncmF2aXR5" } }

And the API endpoint expects a 'cursor' query parameter to fetch the next page. So the URL for the next page would look like

You can paginate through this API endpoint using JSONResponseCursorPaginator:

from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import RESTClient client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=JSONResponseCursorPaginator( cursor_path="", cursor_param="cursor" ) )

@dlt.resource def get_data(): for page in client.paginate("/posts"): yield page


def __init__(cursor_path: jsonpath.TJsonPath = "",
cursor_param: str = "cursor")



  • cursor_path - The JSON path to the key that contains the cursor in the response.
  • cursor_param - The name of the query parameter to be used in the request to get the next page.


def update_state(response: Response, data: Optional[List[Any]] = None) -> None


Extracts the cursor value from the JSON response.


def update_request(request: Request) -> None


Updates the request with the cursor query parameter.

HeaderCursorPaginator Objects

class HeaderCursorPaginator(BaseReferencePaginator)


A paginator that uses a cursor in the HTTP responses header for pagination.

For example, consider an API response that includes 'NextPageToken' header:

... Content-Type: application/json NextPageToken: 123456"

[ {"id": 1, "name": "item1"}, {"id": 2, "name": "item2"}, ... ]

In this scenario, the parameter to construct the URL for the next page ( is identified by the NextPageToken header. HeaderCursorPaginator extracts this parameter from the header and uses it to fetch the next page of results:

from dlt.sources.helpers.rest_client import RESTClient client = RESTClient( base_url="", paginator=HeaderCursorPaginator() )

@dlt.resource def get_issues(): for page in client.paginate("/items"): yield page


def __init__(cursor_key: str = "next", cursor_param: str = "cursor") -> None



  • cursor_key str, optional - The key in the header that contains the next page cursor value. Defaults to 'next'.
  • cursor_param str, optional - The param name to pass the token to for the next request. Defaults to 'cursor'.


def update_state(response: Response, data: Optional[List[Any]] = None) -> None


Extracts the next page cursor from the header in the response.


def update_request(request: Request) -> None


Updates the request with the cursor query parameter.

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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