Alias for scheme "in" field
AuthConfigBase Objects
class AuthConfigBase(AuthBase, CredentialsConfiguration)
Authenticator base which is both requests
friendly AuthBase and dlt SPEC
configurable via env variables or toml files
BearerTokenAuth Objects
class BearerTokenAuth(AuthConfigBase)
Uses token
for Bearer authentication in "Authorization" header.
APIKeyAuth Objects
class APIKeyAuth(AuthConfigBase)
Uses provided api_key
to create authorization data in the specified location
(query, param, header, cookie) under specified name
HttpBasicAuth Objects
class HttpBasicAuth(AuthConfigBase)
Uses HTTP basic authentication
OAuth2AuthBase Objects
class OAuth2AuthBase(AuthConfigBase)
Base class for oauth2 authenticators. requires access_token
OAuth2ClientCredentials Objects
class OAuth2ClientCredentials(OAuth2AuthBase)
This class implements OAuth2 Client Credentials flow where the authorization service gives permission without the end user approving. This is often used for machine-to-machine authorization. The client sends its client ID and client secret to the authorization service which replies with a temporary access token. With the access token, the client can access resource services.
OAuthJWTAuth Objects
class OAuthJWTAuth(BearerTokenAuth)
This is a form of Bearer auth, actually there's not standard way to declare it in openAPI