data load tool (dlt) — the open-source Python library for data loading
How to create a data loading pipeline with dlt in 3 seconds:
- Write a pipeline script
import dlt
from dlt.sources.helpers import requests
dlt.run(requests.get("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/").json()["results"], destination="duckdb", table_name="pokemon")
Run your pipeline script > $ python pokemon.py
See and query your data with autogenerated Streamlit app > $ dlt pipeline dlt_pokemon show
Or start with our pipeline template with sample PokeAPI (pokeapi.co) data loaded to bigquery
> $ dlt init pokemon bigquery
For more detailed info, see https://dlthub.com/docs/getting-started
When typing source/resource function arguments it indicates that a given argument is a secret and should be taken from dlt.secrets.
When typing source/resource function arguments it indicates that a given argument is a secret STRING and should be taken from dlt.secrets.
When typing source/resource function arguments it indicates that a given argument represents credentials and should be taken from dlt.secrets. Credentials may be a string, dictionary or any other type.