@with_config(spec=SchemaConfiguration, sections=_section_for_schema)
def configured_normalizers(
naming: TNamingConventionReferenceArg = dlt.config.value,
json_normalizer: TJSONNormalizer = dlt.config.value,
allow_identifier_change_on_table_with_data: bool = None,
use_break_path_on_normalize: Optional[bool] = None,
schema_name: Optional[str] = None) -> TNormalizersConfig
Gets explicitly onfigured normalizers without any defaults or capabilities injection. If naming
is a module or a type it will get converted into string form via import.
If schema_name
is present, a section ("sources", schema_name, "schema") is used to inject the config
def import_normalizers(
explicit_normalizers: TNormalizersConfig,
default_normalizers: TNormalizersConfig = None
) -> Tuple[TNormalizersConfig, NamingConvention,
Imports the normalizers specified in normalizers_config
or taken from defaults. Returns the updated config and imported modules.
are used to get naming convention, max length of the identifier and max nesting level.
def naming_from_reference(
names: TNamingConventionReferenceArg,
max_length: Optional[int] = None) -> NamingConvention
Resolves naming convention from reference in names
and applies max length if specified
Reference may be: (1) shorthand name pointing to dlt.common.normalizers.naming
(2) a type name which is a module containing NamingConvention
attribute (3) a type of class deriving from NamingConvention
def serialize_reference(
naming: Optional[TNamingConventionReferenceArg]) -> Optional[str]
Serializes generic naming
reference to importable string.