Cached helper methods for all operations that are called often
def get_table_nesting_level(schema: Schema,
table_name: str,
default_nesting: int = 1000) -> Optional[int]
gets table nesting level, will inherit from parent if not set
def is_nested_type(schema: Schema, table_name: str, field_name: str,
_r_lvl: int) -> bool
For those paths the nested objects should be left in place. Cache perf: max_nesting < _r_lvl: ~2x faster, full check 10x faster
def should_be_nested(schema: Schema, table_name: str) -> bool
Tells if table should be nested or should be a root table. All tables created by the normalizer are nested, defined tables are checked.
def get_row_hash(row: Dict[str, Any],
subset: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> str
Returns hash of row.
Hash includes column names and values and is ordered by column name. Excludes dlt system columns. Can be used as deterministic row identifier.