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Version: 1.8.1 (latest)


Destination Objects

class Destination(ABC, Generic[TDestinationConfig, TDestinationClient])


A destination factory that can be partially pre-configured with credentials and other config params.


Explicit config params, overriding any injected or default values.


Explicit capabilities params, overriding any default values for this destination


def spec() -> Type[TDestinationConfig]


A spec of destination configuration that also contains destination credentials


def capabilities(
config: Optional[TDestinationConfig] = None,
naming: Optional[NamingConvention] = None
) -> DestinationCapabilitiesContext


Destination capabilities ie. supported loader file formats, identifier name lengths, naming conventions, escape function etc. Explicit caps arguments passed to the factory init and stored in caps_params are applied.

If config is provided, it is used to adjust the capabilities, otherwise the explicit config composed just of config_params passed to factory init is applied If naming is provided, the case sensitivity and case folding are adjusted.


def destination_name() -> str


The destination name will either be explicitly set while creating the destination or will be taken from the type


def configured_name() -> str


Configured destination name, None by default


def client_class() -> Type[TDestinationClient]


A job client class responsible for starting and resuming load jobs


def configuration(initial_config: TDestinationConfig,
accept_partial: bool = False) -> TDestinationConfig


Get a fully resolved destination config from the initial config


def client(schema: Schema,
initial_config: TDestinationConfig = None) -> TDestinationClient


Returns a configured instance of the destination's job client


def adjust_capabilities(
cls, caps: DestinationCapabilitiesContext, config: TDestinationConfig,
naming: Optional[NamingConvention]) -> DestinationCapabilitiesContext


Adjust the capabilities to match the case sensitivity as requested by naming convention.


def register(cls) -> None


Registers this factory class under of a Destination factory


def from_reference(cls,
ref: TDestinationReferenceArg,
credentials: Optional[Any] = None,
destination_name: Optional[str] = None,
environment: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Optional[AnyDestination]


Instantiate destination from a string reference or one of supported forms. This methods obtains a destination factory and then instantiates it passing the arguments after ref

DestinationReference Objects

class DestinationReference()


A registry of destination factories with a set of method for finding and instantiating


A registry of all the destination factories


def normalize_type(destination_type: str) -> str


Normalizes destination type string into a canonical form. Assumes that type names without dots correspond to built in destinations.


def register(cls, factory: Type[AnyDestination_CO], ref: str) -> None


Registers factory class under ref. ref


def to_fully_qualified_refs(ref: str) -> List[str]


Converts ref into fully qualified form, return one or more alternatives for shorthand notations. Run context is injected if needed. Following formats are recognized

  • name NOTE: the last component of destination type serves as destination name if not explicitly specified


def find(
ref: str,
raise_exec_errors: bool = False,
import_missing_modules: bool = False
) -> Union[Type[AnyDestination], Callable[..., AnyDestination]]


Finds or auto-imports destination factory that can be further called in order to instantiate it The ref can be a destination name or import path pointing to a destination class (e.g. dlt.destinations.postgres) You can control auto-import behavior:

  • raise_exec_errors - will re-raise code execution errors in imported modules
  • import_missing_modules - will ignore missing dependencies during import by substituting them with dummy modules. this should be only used to manipulate local dev environment

NOTE: find returns a factory class or a callable that will create factory instance (for custom destinations) use ensure_factory to extract factory class from callable TODO: synthesize a call on custom destination (destination) factory type so this distinction is not needed


def ensure_factory(
cls, ref_factory: Union[Type[AnyDestination], Callable[...,
) -> Type[AnyDestination]


Extract factory type from a callable creating factory instance.


def from_reference(cls,
ref: str,
credentials: Optional[Any] = None,
destination_name: Optional[str] = None,
environment: Optional[str] = None,
**kwargs: Any) -> Optional[AnyDestination]


Instantiate destination from str reference. The ref can be a destination name or import path pointing to a destination class (e.g. dlt.destinations.postgres) This methods obtains a destination factory and then instantiates it passing the arguments after ref

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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