
Modernize your legacy data platform

Whether you’re migrating off of legacy tooling, or trying to standardize your ingestion tooling, dltHub will help you accelerate your modernization project and cut costs.

Upgrade your infrastructure step by step

Gradually deploy dlt into your infrastructure with our advanced integrations. Being an open source Python library, dlt can run anywhere and can quickly be plugged into your existing data stack without having to do a full replacement.

Cut infrastructure and tooling costs

Being open source and built for maximum efficiency, dlt is cheaper than most existing solutions. As a lightweight solution, there is no infrastructure overhead - run dlt anywhere from AWS Lambdas to Google Cloud functions. We offer tooling and services to accelerate your migration off of expensive tooling.

Lower your maintenance costs

Focus your data engineers' work on adding business value instead of pipeline maintenance. dlt automates the extract, normalize, and load process by employing schema inference, evolution, and namespaces.

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