
Democratize data to unlock your AI initiatives

To leverage the latest developments in AI, quick and easy access to data while keeping it secure is important. With dlt’s automations and guardrails, your data platform team no longer has to carry the burden alone.

Extract data from anywhere with a few lines of Python

dlt is a lightweight library that runs anywhere Python runs. Anyone that knows Python can build a dlt pipeline to load unstructured text data into a centralized location, be it raw files, parquet, databases or vector stores. Unnest your json, autodetect types, load from csvs, PyArrow/Pandas or choose from our pre-built sources like Notion, Zendesk, Google Sheets and more. Scrape data with the Scrapy source or use the low-code REST API connector for pulling data without writing boilerplate code.

Secure data democratization

To achieve data democracy without compromising your data, you will need to ensure compliance and security when handling data. dlt’s data platform-in-a-box allows you to anonymize your data before loading, as well as keep track of where PII data is loaded through data lineage. A single control plane for pipelines running anywhere, or propagation of security policies are all possible with dlt.

Ensure your data quality stays high

Build resilient data pipelines that require zero maintenance with dlt’s automations and schema change alerts. Ensure wrongly formatted data won't break your training and inference pipelines by applying data contracts during data ingestion. Say goodbye to your messy Python scripts, dlt is the solution that can be used by anyone in your ML team.

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