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Untitled Data Company

Silver Consulting Partner

Headquarters: Berlin, Germany
We are a boutique Data Engineering and BI consultancy and help you reduce costs and improve your data stack. We specialize in sustainable and low-cost open-source tools, such as dlt, dbt, Airflow, and Terraform and run on AWS, GCP, and on-prem.


Integrate Oracle NetSuite for $0.20/month

Apr 2024 - May 2024

The client wanted to improve their business operations by automating financial forecasts. Thus, they wanted to integrate their financial data from Oracle NetSuite integrated with other internal business data in Snowflake.

Off-the shelve vendor solutions from NetSuite Analytics Connect and Fivetran would around $2,600 per month and neither Fivetran nor NetSuite Analytics Connect could deliver all the required data. Further, extensive data modeling would be required to integrate the NetSuite data with the other business data.

We leveraged the NetSuite REST API to fetch saved searches and custom reports. Using the dlt REST API source, we import the data into Snowflake and schedule it weekly via Github actions. Minimal data integration was necessary because we imported already modelled data from saved searches and custom reports instead of raw tables.

The monthly cost shrunk from $2,600 USD to $0.20 because the complete data import pipeline runs for only about 6min once per week. The chosen technology is open-source, easily extensible, and maintenance-free due to stable enterprise APIs. A great example for cost-effective data with long-lasting impact!

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