Backfill to Filesystem with partial replace
The source code for this example can be found in our repository at:
About this Example
This script interacts with the REST API to extract game data for a specific user on a monthly basis. The script retrieves game data for a specified time range, and when additional data is loaded for a different time range, it automatically handles de-duplication by deleting any previously loaded files for overlapping time range.
We'll learn:
- How to configure a REST API source using
library. - How to manage and delete old backfill files for de-duplication.
- How to use Filesystem as a destination for storing extracted data.
Full source code
import os
import re
from dlt.common import pendulum as p
from typing import Dict, List, Iterator
import dlt
from dlt.sources import DltResource
from dlt.common.pipeline import LoadInfo
from dlt.destinations.impl.filesystem.filesystem import FilesystemClient
from dlt.sources.rest_api import RESTAPIConfig, rest_api_resources
def chess_com_source(username: str, months: List[Dict[str, str]]) -> Iterator[DltResource]:
Configures and yields resources to fetch chess game data for a given user across specified months.
username (str): username to fetch games for.
months (List[Dict[str, str]]): List of dictionaries containing 'year' and 'month' keys.
dlt.Resource: Resource objects containing fetched game data.
for month in months:
year = month["year"]
month_str = month["month"]
# Configure REST API endpoint for the specific month
config: RESTAPIConfig = {
"client": {
"base_url": "", # Base URL for API
"resources": [
"name": f"chess_com_games_{year}_{month_str}", # Unique resource name
"write_disposition": "append",
"endpoint": {
"path": f"player/{username}/games/{year}/{month_str}", # API endpoint path
"response_actions": [
{"status_code": 404, "action": "ignore"},
"primary_key": ["url"], # Primary key to prevent duplicates
yield from rest_api_resources(config)
def generate_months(
start_year: int, start_month: int, end_year: int, end_month: int
) -> Iterator[Dict[str, str]]:
Generates a list of months between the start and end dates.
start_year (int): Starting year.
start_month (int): Starting month.
end_year (int): Ending year.
end_month (int): Ending month.
Dict[str, str]: Dictionary containing 'year' and 'month' as strings.
start_date = p.datetime(start_year, start_month, 1)
end_date = p.datetime(end_year, end_month, 1)
current_date = start_date
while current_date <= end_date:
yield {"year": str(current_date.year), "month": f"{current_date.month:02d}"}
# Move to the next month
if current_date.month == 12:
current_date = current_date.replace(year=current_date.year + 1, month=1)
current_date = current_date.replace(month=current_date.month + 1)
def delete_old_backfills(load_info: LoadInfo, p: dlt.Pipeline, table_name: str) -> None:
Deletes old backfill files that do not match the current load ID to maintain data integrity.
load_info (LoadInfo): Information about the current load.
p (dlt.Pipeline): The dlt pipeline instance.
table_name (str): Name of the table to clean up backfills for.
# Fetch current load id
load_id = load_info.loads_ids[0]
pattern = re.compile(rf"{load_id}") # Compile regex pattern for the current load ID
# Initialize the filesystem client
fs_client: FilesystemClient = p._get_destination_clients()[0] # type: ignore
# Construct the table directory path
table_dir = os.path.join(fs_client.dataset_path, table_name)
# Check if the table directory exists
if fs_client.fs_client.exists(table_dir):
# Traverse the table directory
for root, _dirs, files in fs_client.fs_client.walk(table_dir, maxdepth=None):
for file in files:
# Construct the full file path
file_path = os.path.join(root, file)
# If the file does not match the current load ID, delete it
if not
fs_client.fs_client.rm(file_path) # Remove the old backfill file
print(f"Deleted old backfill file: {file_path}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error deleting file {file_path}: {e}")
# Inform if the table directory does not exist
print(f"Table directory does not exist: {table_dir}")
def load_chess_data():
Sets up and runs the dlt pipeline to load chess game data, then manages backfills.
# Initialize the dlt pipeline with filesystem destination, here we use local storage
dest_ = dlt.destinations.filesystem("_storage")
pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
pipeline_name="chess_com_data", destination=dest_, dataset_name="chess_games"
# Generate the list of months for the desired date range
months = list(generate_months(2023, 1, 2023, 12))
# Create the source with all specified months
source = chess_com_source("MagnusCarlsen", months)
# Run the pipeline to fetch and load data
info =
# After the run, delete old backfills for each table to maintain data consistency
for month in months:
table_name = f"chess_com_games_{month['year']}_{month['month']}"
delete_old_backfills(info, pipeline, table_name)
if __name__ == "__main__":