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Version: 1.8.1 (latest)

Use custom yaml file for config and secrets


The source code for this example can be found in our repository at:

About this Example

This example shows how to replace secrets/config toml files with a yaml file that contains several profiles (prod and dev) and jinja-like placeholders that are replaced with corresponding env variables. dlt resolves configuration by querying so called config providers (to ie. query env variables or content of a toml file). Here we will instantiate a provider with a custom loader and register it to be queried. At the end we demonstrate (using mock github source) that dlt uses it along other (standard) providers to resolve configuration.

In this example you will learn to:

  • Implement custom configuration loader that parses yaml file, manipulates it and then returns final Python dict
  • Instantiate custom provider (CustomLoaderDocProvider) from the loader
  • Register provider instance to be queried

Full source code

import os
import re
import dlt
import yaml
import functools

from dlt.common.configuration.providers import CustomLoaderDocProvider
from dlt.common.utils import map_nested_in_place

# config for all resources found in this file will be grouped in this source level config section
__source_name__ = "github_api"

def eval_placeholder(value):
"""Replaces jinja placeholders {{ PLACEHOLDER }} with environment variables"""
if isinstance(value, str):

def replacer(match):
return os.environ[]

return re.sub(r"\{\{\s*(\w+)\s*\}\}", replacer, value)
return value

def loader(profile_name: str):
"""Loads yaml file from profiles.yaml in current working folder, selects profile, replaces
placeholders with env variables and returns Python dict with final config
path = os.path.abspath("profiles.yaml")
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
# get the requested environment
config = config.get(profile_name, None)
if config is None:
raise RuntimeError(f"Profile with name {profile_name} not found in {os.path.abspath(path)}")
# evaluate all placeholders
# NOTE: this method only works with placeholders wrapped as strings in yaml. use jinja lib for real templating
return map_nested_in_place(eval_placeholder, config)

def github(url: str = dlt.config.value, api_key=dlt.secrets.value):
# just return the injected config and secret
yield url, api_key

if __name__ == "__main__":
# mock env variables to fill placeholders in profiles.yaml
os.environ["GITHUB_API_KEY"] = "secret_key" # mock expected var

# dlt standard providers work at this point (we have profile name in config.toml)
profile_name = dlt.config["dlt_config_profile_name"]

# instantiate custom provider using `prod` profile
# NOTE: all placeholders (ie. GITHUB_API_KEY) will be evaluated in next line!
provider = CustomLoaderDocProvider("profiles", functools.partial(loader, profile_name))
# register provider, it will be added as the last one in chain

# your pipeline will now be able to use your yaml provider
# p = Pipeline(...)

# show the final config
# or if you like toml

# inject && evaluate resource
config_vals = list(github())
assert config_vals[0] == ("", "secret_key")

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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