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Version: 1.8.1 (latest)


Reads files in s3, gs or azure buckets using fsspec and provides convenience resources for chunked reading of various file formats


def readers(bucket_url: str = dlt.secrets.value,
credentials: Union[FileSystemCredentials,
AbstractFileSystem] = dlt.secrets.value,
file_glob: Optional[str] = "*") -> Tuple[DltResource, ...]


This source provides a few resources that are chunked file readers. Readers can be further parametrized before use read_csv(chunksize, **pandas_kwargs) read_jsonl(chunksize) read_parquet(chunksize)


  • bucket_url str - The url to the bucket.
  • credentials FileSystemCredentials | AbstractFilesystem - The credentials to the filesystem of fsspec AbstractFilesystem instance.
  • file_glob str, optional - The filter to apply to the files in glob format. by default lists all files in bucket_url non-recursively


def filesystem(bucket_url: str = dlt.secrets.value,
credentials: Union[FileSystemCredentials,
AbstractFileSystem] = dlt.secrets.value,
file_glob: Optional[str] = "*",
files_per_page: int = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE,
extract_content: bool = False) -> Iterator[List[FileItem]]


This resource lists files in bucket_url using file_glob pattern. The files are yielded as FileItem which also provide methods to open and read file data. It should be combined with transformers that further process (ie. load files)


  • bucket_url str - The url to the bucket.
  • credentials FileSystemCredentials | AbstractFilesystem - The credentials to the filesystem of fsspec AbstractFilesystem instance.
  • file_glob str, optional - The filter to apply to the files in glob format. by default lists all files in bucket_url non-recursively
  • files_per_page int, optional - The number of files to process at once, defaults to 100.
  • extract_content bool, optional - If true, the content of the file will be extracted if false it will return a fsspec file, defaults to False.


  • Iterator[List[FileItem]] - The list of files.

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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