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Version: 1.8.1 (latest)


SqlLoadJob Objects

class SqlLoadJob(RunnableLoadJob)


A job executing sql statement, without followup trait

SqlJobClientBase Objects

class SqlJobClientBase(WithSqlClient, JobClientBase, WithStateSync)



Fallback to querying all tables in the information schema if checking more than threshold


def drop_tables(*tables: str, delete_schema: bool = True) -> None


Drop tables in destination database and optionally delete the stored schema as well. Clients that support ddl transactions will have both operations performed in a single transaction.


  • tables - Names of tables to drop.
  • delete_schema - If True, also delete all versions of the current schema from storage


def maybe_ddl_transaction() -> Iterator[None]


Begins a transaction if sql client supports it, otherwise works in auto commit.


def create_table_chain_completed_followup_jobs(
table_chain: Sequence[PreparedTableSchema],
completed_table_chain_jobs: Optional[Sequence[LoadJobInfo]] = None
) -> List[FollowupJobRequest]


Creates a list of followup jobs for merge write disposition and staging replace strategies


def create_load_job(table: PreparedTableSchema,
file_path: str,
load_id: str,
restore: bool = False) -> LoadJob


Starts SqlLoadJob for files ending with .sql or returns None to let derived classes to handle their specific jobs


def get_storage_tables(
table_names: Iterable[str]
) -> Iterable[Tuple[str, TTableSchemaColumns]]


Uses INFORMATION_SCHEMA to retrieve table and column information for tables in table_names iterator. Table names should be normalized according to naming convention and will be further converted to desired casing in order to (in most cases) create case-insensitive name suitable for search in information schema.

The column names are returned as in information schema. To match those with columns in existing table, you'll need to use schema.get_new_table_columns method and pass the correct casing. Most of the casing function are irreversible so it is not possible to convert identifiers into INFORMATION SCHEMA back into case sensitive dlt schema.


def get_storage_table(table_name: str) -> Tuple[bool, TTableSchemaColumns]


Uses get_storage_tables to get single table_name schema.

Returns (True, ...) if table exists and (False, {}) when not

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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