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Asana is a widely used web-based project management and collaboration tool that helps teams stay organized, focused, and productive. With Asana, team members can easily create, assign, and track tasks, set deadlines, and communicate with each other in real-time.

When you use Asana, you can create various resources like "projects", "tasks", "users", "workspaces", and others mentioned below to help you manage your work effectively.

Resources that can be loaded using this verified source are:

workspacesPeople, materials, or assets required to complete a task or project successfully
projectsCollections of tasks and related information
sectionsUsed to organize tasks within a project into smaller groups or categories
tagsLabels that can be attached to tasks, projects, or conversations to help categorize and organize them
storiesUpdates or comments that team members can add to a task or project
teamsGroups of individuals who work together to complete projects and tasks
usersIndividuals who have access to the Asana platform

To get a complete list of sub-endpoints that can be loaded, see asana_dlt/

Setup guide

Grab credentials

  1. To start, head to the Asana developer console.
  2. Next, click the "Create new token" button in the "Personal Access Token" section.
  3. Give your access token a name that is meaningful to you, and take a moment to read and agree to the API terms and conditions.
  4. After that, click "Create token" and you're all set!
  5. Now, copy your Access token safely as it is only displayed once.
  6. This token will be used to configure .dlt/secrets.toml, so keep it secure and don't share it with anyone.

Note: The Asana UI, which is described here, might change. The full guide is available at this link.

Initialize the verified source

To get started with your data pipeline, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the following command:

    dlt init asana_dlt duckdb

    This command will initialize the pipeline example with Asana as the source and duckdb as the destination.

  2. If you'd like to use a different destination, simply replace duckdb with the name of your preferred destination.

  3. After running this command, a new directory will be created with the necessary files and configuration settings to get started.

For more information, read the guide on how to add a verified source guide.

Add credentials

  1. Inside the .dlt folder, you'll find a file called secrets.toml, which is where you can securely store your access tokens and other sensitive information. It's important to handle this file with care and keep it safe. Here's what the file looks like:
    access_token = "access_token"
  2. Replace the value of access_token with the one that you copied above. This will ensure that your data pipeline can access your Asana resources securely.
  3. Finally, follow the instructions in the destination documentation to add credentials for your chosen destination. This will ensure that your data is properly routed to its final destination.

For more information, read the General Usage: Credentials.

Run the pipeline

  1. Before running the pipeline, ensure that you have installed all the necessary dependencies by running the command:
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. You're now ready to run the pipeline! To get started, run the following command:
  3. Once the pipeline has finished running, you can verify that everything loaded correctly by using the following command:
    dlt pipeline <pipeline_name> show
    For example, the pipeline_name for the above pipeline example is asana, you may also use any custom name instead.

For more information, read the guide on how to run a pipeline.

Sources and resources

dlt works on the principle of sources and resources.

Default endpoints

You can write your own pipelines to load data to a destination using this verified source. However, it is important to note the complete list of the default endpoints given in asana_dlt/

Source asana_source

This is a dlt.source function, which returns a list of DltResource objects: "workspaces", "projects", "sections","tags","tasks","stories", "teams", and "users".

def asana_source(access_token: str = dlt.secrets.value) -> Any:
return [
workspaces, projects, sections, tags, tasks, stories, teams, users,

access_token: Token required to authenticate the Asana API. This token is defined in the .dlt/secret.toml file.

Resource workspaces

This is a dlt.resource function, which returns collections of tasks and related information.

def workspaces(
access_token: str = dlt.secrets.value,
fields: Iterable[str] = WORKSPACE_FIELDS
) -> Iterable[TDataItem]:
yield from get_client(access_token).workspaces.find_all(opt_fields=",".join(fields))

access_token: Token required to authenticate the Asana API. This token is defined in the .dlt/secret.toml file.

fields: A list of workspace fields to be fetched from asana_dlt/ For example, "gid", "name", "is_organization", etc.

To fetch all workspaces from Asana, the function uses the get_client(access_token).workspaces.find_all method. The opt_fields parameter is set to a string of all fields joined by commas. A generator is used with the yield from statement to provide each workspace from the iterator obtained. This enables the workspaces to be consumed one by one.

Resource-transformer projects

In addition to these source and resource functions, there are seven transformer functions for various endpoints like "projects", "sections", "tags", "tasks", "stories", "teams", and "users". The transformer functions transform or process data from one or more resources.

The transformer function projects processes data from the workspaces resource. It fetches and returns a list of projects for a given workspace from Asana.

def projects(
workspace: TDataItem,
access_token: str = dlt.secrets.value,
fields: Iterable[str] = PROJECT_FIELDS,
) -> Iterable[TDataItem]:

workspace: The data item from the 'workspaces' resource.

access_token: Token required to authenticate the Asana API. This token is defined in the .dlt/secret.toml file.

fields: A list of workspace fields to be fetched from asana_dlt/ For example, "name", "members", "completed", etc.

It uses the @dlt.defer decorator to enable parallel run in a thread pool.

Resource-transformer tasks

This incremental resource-transformer fetches all tasks for a given project from Asana.

@dlt.transformer(data_from=projects, write_disposition="merge", primary_key="gid")
def tasks(
project_array: t.List[TDataItem],
access_token: str = dlt.secrets.value,
modified_at: dlt.sources.incremental[str] = dlt.sources.incremental(
"modified_at", initial_value=DEFAULT_START_DATE
fields: Iterable[str] = TASK_FIELDS,
) -> Iterable[TDataItem]:

workspace: The data item from the 'projects' resource.

access_token: Token required to authenticate the Asana API. This token is defined in the .dlt/secret.toml file.

modified_at: The date from which to fetch modified tasks.

fields: A list of workspace fields to be fetched from asana_dlt/ For example, "name", "assignee", "completed", etc.


Create your own pipeline

If you wish to create your own pipelines, you can leverage source and resource methods from this verified source.

To create your data pipeline using single loading for the "workspaces" and "projects" endpoints, follow these steps:

  1. Configure the pipeline by specifying the pipeline name, destination, and dataset as follows:

    pipeline = dlt.pipeline(
    pipeline_name="asana_pipeline", # Use a custom name if desired
    destination="duckdb", # Choose the appropriate destination (e.g., duckdb, redshift, post)
    dataset_name="asana_dataset" # Use a custom name if desired

    To read more about pipeline configuration, please refer to our documentation.

  2. To load the data from all the fields, you can utilize the asana_source method as follows:

    load_data = asana_source()
  3. Use the method to execute the pipeline.

    load_info =
    # print the information on data that was loaded
  4. To use the method to load custom endpoints "workspaces" and "projects", the above script may be modified as:

    load_info ="workspaces", "projects"))
    # print the information on data that was loaded

This demo works on codespaces. Codespaces is a development environment available for free to anyone with a Github account. You'll be asked to fork the demo repository and from there the README guides you with further steps.
The demo uses the Continue VSCode extension.

Off to codespaces!


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